My New Parish: The American Protestant Church of the Hague

Since the news of my family's move to the Netherlands was announced, many questions have come in about the congregation that I am now serving. In this post I give some answers to these questions.

I Still Love My Country: A Prayer for Independence Day

There are many reasons to lose hope for America, but despite them my fondness of it has not waned.

UPDATE: Next Stop Netherlands!

In a few weeks my family and I will embark on a new adventure in Den Haag.

Fit Pastors: Building A New Culture of Ministry

Among Churches there is an unhealthy culture that leads pastors to walk away from ministry. In the wake of the Pandemic, where clergy are leaving in great numbers, a new culture of ministry is emerging that is focused on health and healing.

Noumuso: Documentary Debut

At the 2023 Afropfingsten Festival in Winterthur, a documentary film about the band I take part was debuted.

Good Neighbor: A Tribute to Timothy Keller

On May 19, 2023 the Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller went to be with the Lord. Here are some of my thoughts in light of his passing.

Bittersweet – The Medicine of Ownership

Like the Mary Poppins song, "A Spoonful of Sugar", ownership is a medicine that needs help to go down. There are challenges that often make it hard to swallow, and benefits for those who choose to take it anyway.

Who Holds the Keys? – The Importance of Ownership

Many people today work under pressure, and focus of getting "results" while losing peace and joy. But through taking ownership they can leave this pressure behind, and work with a sense of worth, freedom, and love.

When Bad People Die

When those like Carolyn Bryant, Emmett Till's accuser, pass away, many wonder what happens to bad people after they die. Many also wonder what such deaths mean for the living. In this article I give my thoughts on these important questions.

That We Might Live: The Meaning of Eastertide

Easter is more than a day of celebration. It is a season of gratitude.

Sitting with Death (A Prayer for Holy Saturday)

As we stand before the cross while waiting for Easter, let us also stand before the tomb with sorrow and hope.

Welcome Back Robe!

After a hard loss in ministry, I had trouble wearing my Geneva gown. But after almost two years, I reclaimed my sense of call, and joyfully took it up again.

Follow and Find (A Prayer for Lent)

The Lenten season is about following the Holy Spirit and finding strength in the Word of God.

Upcoming Event: Jazzwerkstatt Bern Festival

Scotty J. Williams will take part in a panel discussion on the cultural appropriation and decolonization of jazz music.

Creole Melodies: Good Music For Black History Month

In addition to good books, Black History Month is a time for good music. Here are three great Black composers that everyone should learn about and listen to!

Beyond The Past: Three Amazing Books For Black History Month

Black history is more than what is has happened. It is what is happening now and what is to come. Here are three amazing works to check out for Black History Month!

Shukrani Libation: A Prayer of Thanksgiving for People of African Descent

Black life and the Black experience are more than pain and struggle. They are also filled with a deep joy that lead one to gratitude. This libation is a communal expression of thanksgiving for people of African descent for the joy of their life and experience throughout the ages.

Look, Listen, and Learn: How To Better Honor Martin Luther King Jr.

For many people MLK Day means hearing and thinking about the "I Have a Dream" speech. But here are three ways to better honor the man that this holiday is all about.

Remember Your Baptism Everyday! (A Prayer for Theophany)

Theophany is a time where we think about our baptisms, but we should as think them beyond this special feast. Here is a prayer by Scotty J. Williams for remembering your baptism everyday.

Tea Candle Kinara. Kwanzaa 2022-2023
A Different Kwanzaa

Each year I take part in educating others about Kwanzaa, but this year I am stepping away from teaching to focus on joy and rest.


Reflections for the 2022 Holiday season.

Fourth Candle: LOVE

A reflection for the fourth week of the 2022 Advent season.

Third Candle: JOY

A reflection for the third week of the 2022 Advent season.

We Have Better Stories To Tell: Revitalizing Black Religion

A talk by Scotty J. Williams for the United Nations' Permanent Forum on People of African Descent. December 4, 2022. Geneva, Switzerland.

Second Candle: PEACE

A reflection for the second week of the 2022 Advent season.

Upcoming Event: Permanent Forum of People of African Descent

Scotty J. Williams will speak at a United Nations gathering focused on strengthening the link between Africa and its Diaspora.

First Candle: HOPE

A reflection for the first week of the 2022 Advent season.

Telling Better Stories: Black Theology from an Inside Perspective

An article by Scotty J. Williams for the Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft (ZMiss).

Timi Will Wake Up

A conversation about death and resurrection with my son on Christ the King Sunday.

A prayer for Christ the King Sunday

Christ the King Sunday is my most favorite holiday and feast on the Church calendar. Here is a prayer for this year's celebration.

Sermon: Le champ de la grâce (Field of grace)

Scotty J. Williams preaches on the Parable of the Weeds and how Christians are not called to cleanse the Church.

The Christians We Need: Parables For A Post-Christian World

A lecture series by Scotty J. Williams for Master's Commission Auch's 2022 Conference.

Glaube, Liebe, Black Joy!- SRF Interview (Podcast)

An interview with SRF's Perspectives Podcast.

Kürbislaternen Predigt (Jack-o’-lantern Sermon)

Reformation Day satire from the Rev. Dr. Scotty J. Williams.

What to do and what not to do when you don’t celebrate Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that is surrounded by much debate, and many people are uncomfortable with celebrating it. In this articles the Rev. Dr. Scotty Williams gives three helpful tips for those, and especially Christians, not observing the spooky season.

The Devil hates blackberries

Thoughts on Michaelmas.