Dear reader,

Thank you for subscribing! This month has been rather busy with a lot of happenings, from traveling and guest preaching to preparing for a big move and a new parish (this summer I will begin serving as Lead Pastor of the American Protestant Church of the Hague). Speaking of guest preaching, I spent Holy Week in Germany, where I led Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday services at the American Church in Berlin [ACB].

It was such a joy to worship again with the people of ACB, and to step outside of my Reformed norms to celebrate a Lutheran liturgy. This congregation has been a treasured solace for my family and I, and it was the first Church to congratulate me when I was ordained. That day in the presence of believers from various denominations, the Rev. Steve Kienberger and the Rev. Tim Stewart offered prayers with gifts and blessings.

As I think of all that has taken place since I entered vocational ministry, I am grateful for the many mentors whose wisdom helped me to survive it. Pastoring is a wild world that is not for the faint of heart, and it can damage and even shatter the faith of those who take it lightly. Therefore, I am thankful for every teacher, professor, coach, elder, and colleague who took the time to encourage, admonish, and guide me along the way. Many of the works that I have done are dotted with their loving fingerprints, from sermons and writings to lectures and art.

My ministry rings with the echoes of men and women whose thoughts have shaped my own, and you can hear them in my latest posts which can be found in this newsletter.

Again, many thanks for subscribing, and I wish you a joyous Eastertide!

Scotty J. Williams

Welcome Back Robe!

After a hard loss in ministry, I had trouble wearing my Geneva gown. But after almost two years, I reclaimed my sense of call, and joyfully took it up again.

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Welcome Back Robe!

That We Might Live: The Meaning of Eastertide

Easter is more than a day of celebration. It is a season of gratitude.

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That We Might Live: The Meaning of Eastertide

The Creole Collection

Odes to my ancestors.

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The Creole Collection: Odes to Ancestral Childhood

When Bad People Die

When those like Carolyn Bryant, Emmett Till's accuser, pass away, many wonder what happens to bad people after they die. Many also wonder what such deaths mean for the living. In this article I give my thoughts on these important questions.

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When Bad People Die

Who Holds the Keys? - The Importance of Ownership

Many people today work under pressure and focus on getting "results" while losing peace and joy. But through taking ownership they can leave this pressure behind, and work with a sense of worth, freedom, and love.

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Who Holds the Keys? - The Importance of Ownership
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