Roland P. Whitcomb

The man who inspired Dancing with Divines

Roland Paul Whitcomb came from the city of Gladstone, Oregon, and for 38 years he pastored the Morrison Baptist Church of North Minneapolis. In addition to being a pastor he trained Ordinands for the ministry, and one of them was the Rev. Dr. Scotty J. Williams. As a descendant of New England Puritans Rev. Whitcomb loved their writings, and he encouraged those he trained to read them and experience their wisdom. On September 25, 2021 he passed away at the age of 91; he had never retired and preached his final sermon the Sunday before his death.

In memory of Rev. Whitcomb and in honor of his ministry, Rev. Dr. Williams has written Dancing with Divines: A Puritan Advent Calendar. This devotional features sayings from the men and women who’s examples inspired Rev. Whitcomb in life and faith, and its author hopes that they will inspire others and help them find joy in the Advent season.

Here are some of Rev. Whitcomb’s sermons:

Scotty Williams

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