March 11, 2025
“The Lord said to Satan, ‘The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?’“ (Zechariah 3:2)
One thing that hinders our observances of Lent, is thinking that the season is a time to “fight” with devils. From our personal fault to spiritual forces not in our favour, we believe that is our job to rebuke and drive them off. But throughout the Scriptures when the devils are rebuked, they are often not beaten by the people they attack. Instead, they hear the words, “The Lord rebuke you”; the Lord is called to take fight and all foes begin to flee. Therefore, in this Lenten season let us leave the battles to God, and let our fasting, prayer, and repentance not be weapons of defence. They are different ways of saying, “The Lord rebuke you”, and making Him our sure defense which nothing can withstand.
Almighty Defender, Who makes the devils flee, we thank You for Your matchless strength which drives away our foes. Forgive for the times we seek to fight in our own strength and forget that every battle is not ours but Yours. And may our fasting, prayers, and repentance be stepping aside that You might step in and rebuke what is against us. In Your holy name we pray. Amen.
Donut of the Day
Today’s donut is the Churro. This Southern European fritter, which might have come ancient Greece or Rome, is often sprinkled with sugar and pair with a cup of melted chocolate.
Dilla of the Day
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The images featured in this post are from Scotty J. Williams and Zozz_ from and are free for public use with the proper acknowledgements.